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Ysgol Gynradd

Llandeilo Ferwallt

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Maths at Home

There are so many ways in which we use math in our everyday lives. If we make children aware of what they can, or are doing, it can instil such positivity and promote a sense of achievement.

Here are 5 things you can do to engage children in some everyday task with a strong numeracy focus…

Play board games – there is so much counting involved in board games, from using dice and counting steps in Snakes & Ladders, to matching numbers in Dominoes, to managing money in Monopoly, or even adding up a word score in Scrabble!

Bake – Following a recipe is brilliant for measuring weight, timing the cooking and even using ratio if you double or halve the recipe.

Paint or colour – This is such a fantastic activity for a calming or mindfulness minute, but can also help with symmetry (a butterfly) or repeating patterns.

Origami – Why not test your patience and crafting skills by following an origami tutorial. There are so many online to watch and they help visualise shape and angle.

Plan a day trip – This could be as simple as a picnic out somewhere, or an excursion to an activity centre. Your child could help plan the timings of the day, set a budget or cost up entry fees.

Any counting you can do at home, or when travelling in the car, is always so beneficial too! Try forwards, backwards, or in steps of different numbers e.g. 2s, 5s etc.

Practising number bonds is a huge help in getting good at calculating. Number bonds to 10, e.g. you say 2 the child says 8. you say 6 the child says 4 etc. When children get good at that try number bonds to 20, 100 etc.  It's a brilliant skill to help.


Click the following links if you want to play maths games or want some extra help.  Don’t forget, if it’s too easy you’re not learning.  Talk to your teacher if you want more help.













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