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Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd

Llandeilo Ferwallt

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Our school wants all staff and pupils to have a positive mindset – mental health.  We teach pupils, from the earliest age, skills of personal, social and emotional development.  We try to keep people connected and involved by including staff and pupils in decisions within the school.  We have a a pupil committee dedicated to Health and Wellbeing. We ensure pupils get fresh air and exercise everyday, in Key Stage 2 we do a mile-a-day!


We appreciate though that sometimes external help is needed. This page can hopefully point you in the direction of some very helpful organisations/websites:


Parents sometimes ask us how to help when a pupil is feeling down. Have a read of the following paragraph…


A doctor told a story of a young teenager who came in with his mother. She was very concerned by his mental health, he admitted he was in a dark place. The mother asked the doctor to prescribe medication. The doctor’s advice was that before going down that route, it would be wise to make changes to three aspects of the child’s life:

  1. Sleep
  2. Diet (including drinks)
  3. Screen time


In a relatively short time, the impact was tremendous!


10 tips to help make going to school easier for children!

  1. Help them get their school bag packed the night before
  2. Make sure their uniform is ready especially after the holidays or weekend
  3. Get them to bed at a reasonable time so they have a good night’s sleep
  4. Set the alarm clock early enough to allow plenty of time to get ready properly
  5. Make sure they have some breakfast if they are not attending breakfast club
  6. Remind them to set off for the bus or start walking early enough so they won’t be late: punctuality is important
  7. Check to make sure they have everything they need – books, PE kit, letters to return etc.
  8. If your child is finding the work too hard speak to the teacher
  9. Talk to your child about that they did in school today
  10. If you or your child are unhappy about the way they are treated by staff or other pupils, contact the school

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