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Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd

Llandeilo Ferwallt

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School Uniform

When children are in school they are part of a community and by wearing a simple school uniform we hope to promote a feeling of equality, partnership and belonging. Our uniform consists of a navy sweatshirt and a light blue polo shirt.  We encourage sensible footwear and would prefer children to wear plain grey, navy or black trousers/skirts/shorts/jogging bottoms.  Uniform is available at J&S Sports, Tycoch, and Nash Sports, Sketty.


Parents are asked to provide their children with shorts and t-shirts for P.E. and drama and suitable footwear for games. We also ask parents to provide pupils with waterproof clothing and wellies for Forest School activities.


Please ensure that articles of clothing are marked or labelled with your child’s name – too much ends up unclaimed in lost property.  When there is a name we will be able to get the clothes back to the child.



To those parents who have stacks of stuff to label… 


Our PTA receive 30% commission on every order if you use the school code 2074. It is a fantastic product that labels everything, no ironing!


In school, children are discouraged from wearing jewellery, particularly earrings which are considered dangerous in P.E. and Games lessons.  During P.E and Games lessons we ask that long hair be plaited and/or tied back at all times. Valuables are brought to school at the child’s own risk.


Pupils in Year 6 often wear colourful, leavers hoodies. Parents tend to organise this between themselves in Year 5.


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