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Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd

Llandeilo Ferwallt

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Sea Phase (Nursery/Meithrin) - Mrs Templeton

Welcome to the Bishopston Primary Nursery!


Croeso i’r Meithrin!

Our priority is to provide a safe, happy and secure environment for the children and we are delighted with the way the children are settling in.


Outdoor experiences

The children thoroughly enjoy being outdoors what ever the weather. Therefore, we would be very grateful if you could provide clearly labelled wellies and waterproofs that the children can leave in school. We also have Forest school sessions where the children learn how to work together, share their ideas and on occasions we have a camp fire and roast some tasty treats. These sessions are on Tuesdays.



P.E. is on Wednesday am and Friday pm. It gives the children great confidence if they are able to wear a pair of shorts under their uniforms as they can begin to become more independent. Please ensure that your child’s name is clearly marked on their clothes.



We operate a Healthy Schools Policy and the children to bring in healthy snack and water to enjoy with their friends during our snack time. We do have children who have nut allergies, so please be mindful when packing the snack and do not include nuts. 


Library books

Friday is our ‘library’ day when the children can choose a book to take home. We would recommend that the children have a book bag to take their books home in. These can then be used throughout your child‘s time at Bishopston. Book bags are available to buy via iPay for £6.25 and then collected from the school office. 


Our theme

In Nursery we spend our time learning through exploring and playing in the areas that interest us. Our theme will change on a termly basis. Initially, we will be exploring the children‘s thoughts and ideas on a topic. We are excited to see where the children lead us.



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